Clouds Are Sky Poetry ~ My Twitter Sized Poems About Poetry

While we're on the subject of poems about poetry, here are the ones that I've written that contain the word poetry. I don't have screen shots of all of them, so there are more written below than are pictured.

My Twitter-sized Poems About Poetry

  • let poetry, the delicious flower that dazzles eye, / a magic thing of change / speak only brilliant light and fresh sky
  • velvet angel ghosts sail the blue air / their liquid changes dance the breezes / fathering brief sky poetry as clouds
  • wild morning dance is poetry / that makes gods smile / feeling young we embrace / & drink in life's fresh blush

  • a breeze has shadows dancing / they celebrate our light hearts / as we, laughing, speak poetry / which breathes joy
  • remember the joy in trusting poetry / listening to self who speaks out / how missed be brilliant colour-word's voice
  • why use our quiet poetry breath / with those who miss words shading? / they are blind of time's colours 

  • see her melon red lips / born to voice poetry / quietly, yet with feeling / she smiles out her heart-words
  • her listening kept me warm / your reproaches only cut me cold / she blazed poetry always / never icy needle-worded 